Call for Special Sessions 
ICGIP 2025 solicits proposals for special sessions within the technical scope of the conference. (Click Here)
Call for Papers l CFP Flyer
Topics of interest for submission include any topics on Graphic and Image Processing.
Track 1: Fundamentals and Methods of Image Processing | 图像处理基础及方法 |
Discrete Cosine Transforms | 离散余弦变换 |
Discrete Hilbert Transforms | 离散希尔伯特变换 |
Fuzzy Logic Applications in Signal Processing | 模糊逻辑在信号处理中的应用 |
Image segmentation | 图像分割 |
Pattern recognition and analysis | 模式识别与分析 |
Spectral Analysis | 光谱分析 |
Wavelet Transforms | 小波变换 |
Coding and Transmission | 编码与传输 |
Color and texture | 颜色和质地 |
Object and Scene Recognition | 对象和场景识别 |
Face recognition, face detection, and gesture recognition | 人脸识别,人脸检测和手势识别 |
Graphics algorithms and applications | 图形算法和应用 |
Biometrics | 生物识别 |
Image feature extraction | 图像特征提取 |
Track 2: Advanced Image Acquisition and Comutational Imaging | 高级图像采集和交换成像 |
3-D and Surface Reconstruction | 3-D和表面重建 |
Detection and Estimation of Signal Parameters | 信号参数的检测与估计 |
Filter Design | 过滤器设计 |
Fast Fourier Transforms | 快速傅立叶变换 |
Filter Design and Structures | 过滤器设计与结构 |
FIR Filters | FIR滤波器 |
IIR Filters | IIR滤波器 |
Image acquisition | 图像采集 |
Motion Detection | 运动检测 |
Multi-channel Filtering | 多通道过滤 |
Multiple Filtering and Filter Banks | 多个过滤器和过滤器组 |
Compressive Sensing | 压缩感测 |
Multi-view Reconstruction | 多视图重建 |
Medical Image Analysis | 医学图像分析 |
Image Acquisition and Display | 图像采集与显示 |
Track 3: Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence | 计算机视觉和机器智能 |
Track Chair: Cairong Zhao, Tongji University, China | |
Super-resolution imaging | 超分辨率成像 |
Video Signal Processing | 视频信号处理 |
Visualization | 可视化 |
Motion and Video Analysis | 运动和视频分析 |
Tracking and Surveillance | 追踪与监视 |
Physics-based Vision | 基于物理的视觉 |
Computer art and entertainment (including games) | 计算机艺术和娱乐(包括游戏) |
Graph theory in image processing and vision | 图像处理和视觉中的图论 |
Vision-based Graphics | 基于视觉的图形 |
Image and Video Matting | 图像和视频抠图 |
Rendering Techniques | 渲染技术 |
Modeling and Animation | 建模与动画 |
Real-time Graphics | 实时图形 |
Human-Computer Interfaces | 人机界面 |
Image and Video Processing & Analysis | 图像和视频处理与分析 |
Image data structures for computer graphics | 计算机图形学的图像数据结构 |
Track 4: Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality | 计算机图形学与虚拟现实 |
Track Chair: Nan Su, Harbin Engineering University, China | |
3D imaging | 3D成像 |
Texture, Shape, and Color | 纹理,形状和颜色 |
Restoration, Super Resolution | 恢复,超分辨率 |
Computational geometry | 计算几何 |
Computer animation | 电脑动画 |
Fractal geometry and applications | 分形几何及其应用 |
Illumination and reflection techniques | 照明和反射技术 |
Computational Imaging and Displays | 计算成像与显示 |
Document Image Analysis | 文件影像分析 |
Remote Sensing | 遥感 |
Image Formation | 图像形成 |
Image geometry and multi-view geometry | 图像几何和多视图几何 |
Image Scanning, Display, and Printing | 图像扫描,显示和打印 |
Track 5: Image Information Security and Management | 图像信息安全与管理 |
Content-based Image retrieval | 基于内容的图像检索 |
Watermarking | 数字水印 |
Image and Video Retrieval | 图像和视频检索 |
Image storage and leaks | 图像存储与泄密 |
Image authentication | 图像身份验证 |
Image encryption technology | 图像加密技术 |
Image recognition and authentication | 图像识别与认证 |
Image encoding and compression | 图像编码和压缩 |
Track 6: Image Understanding and Intelligent Analysis | 图像理解与智能分析 |
Track Chair: Prof. Limin Wang, Professor, Nanjing University, China | |
Digital Signal Processing | 数字信号处理 |
Medical image processing | 医学图像处理 |
Radar Image Processing | 雷达图像处理 |
Sonar Image Processing | 声纳图像处理 |
Digital Multimedia Broadcasting | 数字多媒体广播 |
Image & Signal Processing Applications | 图像和信号处理应用 |
Image generation, acquisition, and processing | 图像生成,获取和处理 |
Image-based modeling and algorithms | 基于图像的建模和算法 |
Immersive virtual reality | 沉浸式虚拟现实 |
Integration of virtual reality and multimedia | 虚拟现实与多媒体的集成 |
Interactive digital media | 互动数字媒体 |
Knowledge-based recognition | 基于知识的识别 |
Audio, Image, Video processing | 音频,图像,视频处理 |
Virtual and Augmented Reality | 虚拟和增强现实 |
Vision for X | X的愿景 |
Track 7: Intersection of AI and Graphics & Image Processing | 人工智能与图形图像处理交叉领域 |
Track Chair: Xu Tang, Xidian University, China | |
AI - Driven Image Segmentation | 人工智能驱动的图像分割 |
GANs in Graphic Design | 生成对抗网络在图形设计中的应用 |
DL for Image Enhancement | 深度学习用于图像增强 |
ML - Based Image Classification | 基于机器学习的图像分类 |
AI - Assisted Pattern Recognition | 人工智能辅助模式识别 |
Neural Style Transfer in Images | 图像的神经风格迁移 |
AI - Powered Image Compression | 人工智能驱动的图像压缩 |
Track 8: Applications of Graphics and Image Processing in Emerging Industries | 图形图像处理在新兴行业的应用 |
Graphics in Smart City Surveillance | 图形图像处理在智慧城市监控中的应用 |
Image Proc. in Autonomous Delivery | 图形图像处理在自动配送中的应用 |
Graphics for Digital Twin Technology | 图形图像处理在数字孪生技术中的应用 |
Image Proc. in Wearable Health Devices | 图形图像处理在可穿戴健康设备中的应用 |
Graphics in 3D - Printed Fashion | 图形图像处理在 3D 打印时尚领域的应用 |
Image Proc. in Drone - based Inspections | 图形图像处理在无人机巡检中的应用 |
Graphics in Virtual Event Experiences | 图形图像处理在虚拟活动体验中的应用 |