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ICGIP 2023


ICGIP 2023 conference proceedings is online in SPIE database:

ICGIP 2023入选中国科协本年度重要学术会议名单(2023)! View More

2023 15th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2023) in Suzhou, China during November 10-12, 2023. It was hosted by Soochow University; co-hosted by Nanjing University of Science and Technology; Suzhou University of Science and Technology; Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications; organized by school of Software, Soochow University, China; co-organized by Jiangsu Computer Society; Jiangsu Association of Artificial Intelligence.


2023年第15届图形与图像处理国际会议 (15th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing, ICGIP 2023) 于2023年11月10-12日在中国苏州举行。 由苏州大学主办,苏州大学计算机科学与技术学院和苏州大学科学技术协会承办,南京理工大学, 苏州科技大学, 南京邮电大学, 南京信息工程大学协办, 江苏省计算机学会, 江苏省人工智能学会等单位参与支持。

ICGIP 2023


Keynote Speakers
Prof. Ran He, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), China
Prof. Cheng Jin, Fudan University, China
Prof. Yuhui Zheng, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China


Invited Speakers
Hongjian Shi, BNU-HKBU United International College, China 时红建,南方科技大学
Philippe Durand, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France
Yanfeng Li, Beijing Jiaotong University, China 李艳凤,北京交通大学
XiWen Zhang, Beijing Language and Culture University, China 张习文, 北京语言大学



Excellent Oral Presentation Winners
Spectral-Spatial Inverted Residual Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Pre-Activation
Author(s): Gan Yang, Zhaohui Wang
Presenter: Gan Yang, Hainan University, China

Dual-Path U-Transformer Network for Assessment of Brain Midline Shift in Hemorrhagic Stroke
Author(s): Jinhuang Zhang, Wei Liang, Huiling Zhang, Zibi Xu, Xiangyuan Ma
Presenter: Wei Liang, Shantou University, China

Intelligent Pattern Reconstruction Based on Primitive Spatial Relationship Adaptive Transformation
Author(s): Fangbing Xia, Xiaoli Li, Zhenlong Du and Lu Zhao
Presenter: Fangbing Xia, Nanjing Tech University, China

Attention-guided Unsupervised Semantic Fusion for Infrared and Visible Images
Author(s): Qian Qi, Quan Kong, Qing Liao, Ziming Hu, Jinglei Li and Jialian Zhang
Presenter: Qian Qi, Wuhan Institute of Technology University, China

ICGIPs Catalogue

ICGIP 2022 Gallery
Oct. 21-23, 2022 Nanjing, China
ICGIP 2021 Gallery
Aug.18-20, 2021 Kunming, China
ICGIP 2020 Gallery / Table of Contents
Nov.13-15, 2020 Xi'an, China
ICGIP 2019 Gallery / Table of Contents
Oct.12-14, 2019 Hangzhou, China
ICGIP 2018 Gallery / Table of Contents
Dec.12-14, 2018 Chengdu, China
ICGIP 2017 Gallery / Table of Contents
Oct.14-16, 2017 Qingdao, China
ICGIP 2016 Gallery / Table of Contents
Oct.29-31, 2016 Tokyo, Japan
ICGIP 2015 Gallery / Table of Contents
Oct.23-25, 2015 Singapore

ICGIP 2014 Gallery / Table of Contents

Oct.24-26, 2014 Beijing, China

ICGIP 2013 Gallery / Table of Contents

Oct.26-27, 2013 Hong Kong

ICGIP 2012 Gallery / Table of Contents

Oct.5-7, 2012 Singapore

ICGIP 2011 Gallery /  Table of Contents

Oct.1-2, 2011 Cairo, Egypt

ICGIP 2010

Dec.4-5, 2010 Manila, Philippines

ICGIP 2009:  Contents Vol. 1 / Contents Vol. 2

Nov.13-15, 2009 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
ISBN: 978-0-7695-3892-1